ObsPol's mission is not to provide personalised individual assistance to victims of repeated police checks, but to identify cases of abuse, analyse the circumstances and each one's specific context, in order to draw a map, both geographic and sociological. The information collected via the form will not be shared outside of ObsPol. The information collected via the form will not be published without your prior agreement. Your identity will be anonymous. This confidentiality is valid both within ObsPol (in our on-line and paper publications) and outside ObsPol: nothing will filter towards the police, administrations, justice, etc. You are the only person who can request the transmission of your assault details to yourself and/or your lawyer. Feel confident to share your experience. Your testimony to ObsPol will never cause you trouble.
Finally, should you experience technical difficulties in filling out this questionnaire, contact ObsPol webmaster by email at: admin@obspol.org.